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Cara Untuk Mengatasi Dari Terjadinya Error E004-0101 Pada Mesin Canon Adance 6570

Salam jumpa kembali sobat fotocopy dimanapun anda semua saat ini berada, pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan mencoba untuk membagikan sedikit pengetahuan tentang Cara Mengatasi dari terjadinya Error E004-0101 pada mesin fotocopy Canon iR Adance 6570 yang mungkin memang sebagian besar dari anda semua belum mengetahui penyebab dan juga cara untuk mengatasinya.

Jika kita berbicara mengenai unit mesin fotocopy tentunya anda semua pasti sudah akrab dengan yang namanya Error atau trouble shooting yang memang sering terjadi pada mesin fotocopy, mungkin hal ini sudah tidak asing lagi bagi anda khususnya bagi adan yang memang memiliki usaha fotocopy komersil atau copy center yang memang setiap hari ber urusan dengan mesin fotocopy, Biasanya anda lebih banyak mengalami dari keluarnya Error yang mungkin masih agak asing buat kita yang berprofesi sebagi teknisi.

Yang dimaksud dari keluarnya kode Error E004-0101 pada layar monitor mesin fotocopi ini adalah sebuah masalah yang terjadi akibat dari beberapa sparepart fotocopy yang mengalami gangguan atau kerusakan atau kinerja dari mesin fotocopy itu sendiri tidak maksimal.

Error code E004-0101, E004-0102, E004-0103

1.      Error Code E000004-0101

The power supply on the IH part is damaged or the IH control mechanism is damaged.

After fixing an error, be sure to always reset it again.


Descriptions :

The power supply on the IH part is damaged or the IH control mechanism is damaged.

After fixing an error, be sure to always reset it again.



There is a mismatch between the input voltage and the supply ID on the IH power.


-          Replace the power supply on the repairing heater with one that has been designed for the country of installation (voltage).

-          Check the connector again for any errors in the connection.

-          Replace the power supply on the heater for repair.

-          Replace the DC controller PCB unit

E004-0101: Halogen heater is damaged or terminal of heater has poor contact.

Because of damage to the halogen heater (H1) or poor contact of a heater terminal, the error code "E004-0101" was indicated. This error code may be indicated due to a fault in the AC Driver PCB (i.e., triac short), the fixing assembly, and the DC Controller PCB 2 (MAISY). However, before replacing these parts, perform the following procedure.

- E004-0101 can be displayed when there is a short-circuit detection error in the halogen heater (ASIC detection).

1.      Detach the terminal on both ends of the halogen heater, and then check to see if the heater has electrical continuity; if there is no electrical continuity, replace the heater with a new one.

2.      Check to see if the terminal [A] on both ends of the heater is fixed firmly with a screw. If the screw is loosened, tighten it.

3.      If the symptom still occurs, check to see if J114 connector of the AC Driver PCB is disconnected. If disconnected, re-fit it.

FK2-2532-000 Halogen Heater (120V)

FM3-0266-000 DC Controller PCB 2 (MAISY)

FM2-6301-000 AC Driver PCB

2.      Error Code E000004-0102

There is an abnormal rise in temperature. After you fix the error, be sure to reset it to the error that occurred.


Descriptions :

The IH current is faulty. (current leakage)

Remedy :

-          Replace the power supply on the heater for repair with one designed to match the country of installation (voltage).

-          Check the connector again for errors in the connection.

-          Replace the power supply on the heater for repair.

-          Replace the DC controller PCB unit


3.      Error Code E000004-0103

There is an abnormal rise in temperature. After you fix the error, be sure to reset it to the error that occurred.


Descriptions :

The IH current is faulty. (no current)

Remedy :

-          Replace the power supply on the heater for repair with one designed for the country of installation (voltage).

-          Check the connector again for any errors in the connection.

-          Replace the fixing heater power supply.

-          Replace the DC controller PCB

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